Wednesday, October 27, 2010

late budget

So I have been working on some project management angels with the school administration and the granting agency and have learned some interesting things (which I'm happy to talk about in our meeting along with my justification on your good funnel question). The format for the budget part of the application is fairly simplistic with 1) an amount 2) a task and 3) a brief description. That follows:

Airfare $450

For moi for creating the projects and surveys, and training the project assistant

Project Assistant $15 100hours $1500

Acquire material, resolve administration red tape issues, administer surveys, train supervising teachers in project detail, and assist in publication

Participating teacher Stipend 4x$250 $1000

Supervise students towards productive completion of micro-service projects. They typically get to do their own work or read.


Fabric $250

The quilts for homeless, elderly

Crayons $25

Melted crayons for shelters

Boxes $25

To sent care packages to military

Postage $300


Gas $100

Help with all the shopping and delivery

Books $250

Buy the books for the creation of “books on CD” for visually impaired

Audio CDs and machine $75

Printing material $25

Surveys, reports, letter writing for soldiers

Humanitarian supplies $500

Donated to red cross, or as potions of 72 hour kits for low-income families

Solider supplies $500

Jerky, toys for children, music, etc.

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